Mission & Vision
- To be a world-class business and Information Technology school, achieving excellence in in every aspect of education and research through continuous competency building.
- To be the premier management and technology institution, a student focused learning community recognized for its research and teaching.
- To develop the institution into a world class center for Management, Information Technology and other emerging related areas.
- To inculcate in the students an academic environment, which will inspire them to realize their full potential and contribute to the development of the society
- Top create an understanding and regard amongst our students for human values, pride in their heritage and culture besides a keen sense of right and wrong
- To impart intense professionalism in thought and practice.
- To further the advancement of knowledge in the field of management by undertaking relevant research programmes.
- To collaborate with counterpart institutions, industry and government in the development and application of new knowledge for the benefit of society
- To promote excellence in management and technology education. DIST prepares students to be leaders who shape the future. Towards this end, DIST will provide a conducive and rewarding environment for faculty and students to ignite and sustain a passion for excellence.